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Real Engagement Rules

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Real Engagement Rules

Real Engagement Rules

In a previous article, The Three Secrets to Business Success, we discussed the importance of real engagement.  Whereas the article discusses engagement within the context of Social Media, there is a larger play.  Herein, we discuss the real engagement rules.

Social Media is really a microcosm of the traditional brick and mortar world.  At Blue Elevator™, it is our belief that we are operating within the context of a Relational Business environment.

As such, real engagement rules!  It is important that we interact with the marketplace using relational methods.

Real Engagement Rules – in practice

So, as you go about your business, consider the following real engagement rules:

  • Phone calls:  Return phone calls within 24 hours.
  • E-mails: Reply to e-mails within 24 hours.
  • Follow up: Get back to people.  If you promised a client you would get back to him or her within a week, do so.  Follow up builds trust and relationship.  Missing the mark impairs trust and relationship.
  • Wrap up: As above, whether it’s just following up or fulfilling a promise, finish the task!  If for some reason something which was intended and made sense at the time changes, then get closure.  For example, “Joe, I know we talked about doing ‘X,’ but it seems like that doesn’t make sense now that ‘Y’ has happened.  So, should we re-group on this now or should I wait for your lead?”
  • LinkedIn connection requests:  Unless the profile appears to be a robot or someone that intends you harm, approve the connection request.  Send the individual a message thanking him or her for the request.
  • Facebook: If someone comments on your post, “Like it” and/or “Comment” back.  “Like” and/or “Comment” and/or “Share” other people’s posts.
  • Twitter: “Favorite” and “Re-Tweet” other people’s Tweets.  “@Reply” back if they mention you.
  • Instagram: If someone comments on a post, “@Reply” back.  “Like” and/or “Comment” on other people’s posts.
  • etc.

Make sense?  If you just post or push content, you might well appear as a robot.  Robots make overtures, but they don’t interact.  People interact and engage.

Show up, follow up, and wrap up

You’ve heard the adage that showing up is 80% of the battle.  Consider this breakdown:

  • 80% Show up
  • 10% Follow up
  • 5% Wrap up
  • 5% Providence

It is really as simple as that.  However, just because something is simple doesn’t mean it is easy.  Simple and easy are not synonyms.  The real engagement rules are simple; however, at Blue Elevator™, we find very few businesses engage at the levels we recommend.  By following the real engagement rules, it is our belief that you will stand out amongst your peers.

Real Engagement Rules – tip

Whether it is your website, LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, etc., set up real-time e-mail notifications or alerts.  Some fishermen (and fisherwomen) put a bell on their fishing line.  They do this so they can read a book, surf the Internet, etc. while they fish.  When the bell rings, they immediately know that a fish is nibbling.

Real Engagement Rules

Real Engagement Rules

In like form, set up your website, landing pages, social media storefronts, and other platforms to notify you with e-mails and/or alerts when you are getting a nibble!  Then, respond ASAP!

The Secret Formula

Skill + Trust X Engagement = Opportunity to Succeed

Without going all math-like on you, here’s the take out.  People are looking to work with professionals who are skilled and trusted.  But, none of that matters unless you engage with them.  That means, doing all of the stuff we mentioned earlier.  To use a line from the Field of Dreams movie, “if you build it they will come.”  But only if you are willing to meet them and ENGAGE (not anger – just emphasis).

Real Engagement Rules – reprise

Starting, growing, and managing a successful business takes a lot of work.  There are a lot of moving parts – no doubt about it.  But amongst all the branding, pricing, distribution, process creation, monitoring, tracking, fulfillment, and more, the real engagement rules are always at play.

You could have all the right plans, people, and processes in place, but if you don’t follow the real engagement rules, you will miss the mark.  We’d love to hear from you.  Contact us here.  Remember: real engagement rules!


About the Author:

Ken Moll is the Principal and Founder of Blue Elevator®. With professional experience spanning four decades, Ken has a breadth of foundational business knowledge rarely found – making him part of an elite class of professionals. Ken's passion is helping clients of Blue Elevator® get their “business to the next level™.”